
Severo Tristan Don Vito Tristan Lineup
Severo Sagliocca Severo Sagliocca Severo Sagliocca Tristan Roszenthal Tristan Roszenthal Tristan Roszenthal Don Vito Athanassius Don Vito Athanassius Don Vito Athanassius
  • Severo Sagliocca
  • Tristan Roszenthal
  • Don Vito Athanassius

In 2003, after several musical experiences, the 17 year old Tristan Roszenthal decided to found a band of Black Metal; inspiration is especially Bathory, but also Mayhem and Darkthrone. The major influences, however, will come from the non music world, like books, comics, movies, tales and folklore stories.
The moniker chosen is right the baptismal name of the founder, and although the first Demo of 2004 oozes acid Satanism from every note, first of all from the blasphemous and gaunt artwork, the atmospheric keyboards, visionary setting of all the album, offers you moments of poetry and black romance. However the perplexities of friends, acquaintances, and wayfarers are many: although in fact Tristan efforts to seek permanent members, the project was started to be a lonely but practical one-man band in a time when among Italians metalkids was rather the Power Metal to reign, followed by Nu Metal and Punk Revival. He joined a Death Metal band and so Tristan for a period shelve his personal project, but at the end of 2005 after new experiences the blond songwriter is ready to roll out new ideas and musical motifs; even a year later he released his first official album, completely self funded and full of vehemence and esotericism. The boorish Satanism of first job is here put aside to make way for fairytale and dreamlike visions and the choice of perpetrating in the Italian language enriches the lyrics of a polished and romanticized lexicon.
A Portuguese independent production company, the "War Art Production", shows interest to put under contract the Italian artist but some complications will block the deal; nevertheless, thanks to an established friendship by letters between Tristan and the mastermind of the label, LP will still be printed in 500 copies and distributed equally to Brazil, Japan, Turkey and Slovenia, while other 166 copies will be printed for Italy.
The reviews are all very positive and the interviews increase the popularity of the one-man band, but the impossibility to play live and the rotation of Tristan in a new Metalcore band decree the long break of the project that will arise again only in 2011 after 5 years. Now completely free from any musical commitments, Tristan Roszenthal finds calm and serenity to engage a new album that will be more varied, direct and less reflective of the previous LP, result of new experiences and sound requirements that remaining anchored to Black Metal looking out massively to Thrash Metal and Punk. Symbolic title "Habemus Chaos" does frame to the essence of this new work, and the new permanent positions of Don Vito Athanassius and Severo Sagliocca complements the band that today, although they choose to not play music alive, is at all a real band. The recording of the album ending 24th September 2012, exactly 6 years, 6 months and 6 days after the release of the previous album (March 17, 2006) ... and this gentlemen, can't be a coincidence! For reasons of organization, however, the new album is even released February 17, 2017, nearly 11 years after the previous album, and the day that would have seen Quorthon (Bathory mastermind who died in 2004) take 50 years, but yes... now it's just fortuity!